Conferinta Banking In Cloud – 07.02.2013 | Hotel Novotel, Sala Lyon
La acest prim eveniment, credem ca am reusit sa atragem cele mai influente si dinamice participari din zona solutiilor Cloud pentru zona bancara. Astfel, am incercat sa acoperim un intreg ciclu de informatii – de la date si previziuni (KPC-Group/ reprezentantul Gartner in Romania), la suportul pentru strategii (KPMG) si standarde (BIAN), de la strategii si solutii ale furnizorilor de servicii (Romtelecom/Deutsche Telekom, Unisystems) la studii de caz si solutii ale furnizorilor de echipamente si tehnologii (VMware, Fujitsu, NEC).
Multumim partenerilor si invitatilor pentru sprijin si participare,
Echipa RoCloud
RoCloud | Razvan IOVAN – Introducing Romanian Cloud Computing Association
KPC-Group (Gartner Romania) | Felix ENESCU – Banking on the Cloud
BIAN | Hans TESSELAAR – An open SOA Standard as pre-requisite for the Cloud
KPMG | Aurelia COSTACHE – Reshaping the business model – managing the impact of Cloud
Fujitsu | Gernot FELS – Virtual Client Computing – fast, proven and without risk
Deutsche Telekom Group | Oliver GEDIEHN & Damir HORVAT – DT perspective on Cloud in CEE Banking
Romtelecom | Adrian LUDOSAN – Cloud for Banking
Unisystems | Antony CASSANO – Best practices to enable secure client enterprise Cloud Services for Financial Institutes
VMware | Cristian RADU – VMware SDDC – the future of the Data Center
NEC | Roxana BANICA – Digital Signage solution in Cloud